
Tawakkol Karman denounces Gaza's tragedy, Netanyahu's enraged Embassy echoes at Holy See
In a remarkable twist during an event organized as part of the #BeHuman initiative for the forthcoming 2025 Jubilee by Cardinal Mauro Gambetti, a powerful speech delivered by Tawakkol Karman took center stage.
Karman, the Nobel Peace Prize-winning journalist and human rights activist, was among the distinguished individuals invited to participate in the event, which unfolded within the sacred walls of the atrium of St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican.
The concert, featuring performances by renowned musicians Allevi and Vecchioni, provided a platform for Karman to share her perspective after the acclaimed American country singer Garth Brooks had performed. When asked about her advocacy for women's rights, Karman seized the opportunity to deliver an impassioned address in English, emphasizing the crucial need for peace devoid of oppression and occupation.
During her speech, Karman fearlessly denounced the ongoing ethnic cleansing and genocide in Gaza, attributing responsibility to Israel. She called upon the United States to align itself with the right side of history and cease the sale of weapons to regimes or occupations that inflict harm upon women and children. Karman strongly urged against establishing alliances with dictators or those engaged in oppressive occupations.
Expressing deep concern for the plight of women in Gaza, Karman underscored the exorbitant price they pay while the world largely remains silent. She passionately appealed for the condemnation of the genocide and ethnic cleansing unfolding in Palestine, rallying for global solidarity with the Palestinian people in their struggle for justice.
Briefly interrupting her address to acknowledge the resounding applause, Karman resumed by raising questions about the daily loss of life among women in Gaza. She expressed gratitude for the Fratelli Tutti Foundation, helmed by Cardinal Gambetti, and emotionally recounted her encounter with university students protesting for Palestine outside her Rome hotel, chanting the resounding cry of "Free Palestine."
Karman declared that such demonstrations constituted not only a victory for the Palestinian people but for all individuals dedicated to the pursuit of justice. She passionately urged citizens to challenge their governments and demand an end to war, rejecting any support for the sale of weapons that perpetuate the suffering of women in her country and region.
In response to Karman's speech, the Israeli Embassy to the Holy See issued a statement expressing their displeasure with her characterization of the situation in Gaza as genocide and ethnic cleansing. They accused her address of being anti-Semitic and filled with falsehoods, expressing disappointment that such language was allowed within the context of a peace-focused event.
Karman's participation in the Vatican concert served to amplify her voice and message, highlighting her unwavering commitment to promoting peace, justice, and women's rights on a global scale. Her presence resonated deeply with the diverse audience gathered at the event, leaving a lasting impact on those who listened to her impassioned plea for a better world.
1. Ilmessaggero: [Nobel Peace Laureate's Outcry Against Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide in Gaza at Vatican Concert](
2. Repubblica: [L'ambasciata di Israele critica l'intervento su Gaza della premio Nobel yemenita a incontro sulla pace in Vaticano](
To watch Tawakkol Karman’s speech, click (here)