Including Tawakkol Karman, Nobel Peace Laureates unite to address humanitarian crisis in Venezuela
In a remarkable display of solidarity and concern, a group of Nobel Peace Prize laureates has come together to issue a call for action to address the deepening humanitarian crisis unfolding in Venezuela.
The joint declaration, signed by prominent figures including Tawakkol Karman, Juan Manuel Santos, and Desmond Tutu, underscores the pressing need for immediate intervention to alleviate the suffering of the Venezuelan people.
The declaration, which highlights the surge in violence and repression gripping the nation, paints a grim picture of the current situation. Over 1200 individuals have been adversely affected, with countless lives lost, injuries sustained, and freedoms curtailed. The peaceful coexistence of Venezuelan citizens hangs in the balance, threatened by escalating tensions and human rights violations.
Rejecting violence as a means to resolve differences, the laureates emphasize the paramount importance of dialogue in resolving conflicts. They stress the necessity of sincerity and cooperation in fostering meaningful discussions, cautioning against superficial gestures that serve to obfuscate rather than address the root causes of the crisis.
The declaration specifically calls upon the Venezuelan government to act as the guarantor of citizens' peace, access to justice, and right to life. The laureates denounce the repression unleashed against peaceful demonstrators and urge authorities to immediately cease such actions, which contravene fundamental principles of democracy and human rights.
In a world grappling with resurgent exclusion and intolerance, the laureates express deep concern over Venezuela's deviation from its historical commitment to human rights. The violation of these rights, they contend, is a global issue that demands universal attention and action.
Key recommendations put forth by the laureates include the organization of new general elections, the restoration of the National Electoral Council's independence, and measures to prevent abuse of power by the Supreme Court. They also advocate for the release of political prisoners and the establishment of humanitarian channels to address critical shortages of medicines and food.
The declaration concludes with a resounding call for the Venezuelan government to prioritize peace, foster dialogue, and uphold democratic institutions, underscoring the imperative of a swift and comprehensive response to the crisis.
Here is the text of the letter:
We, a collective of Nobel Peace Prize laureates, express profound concern over the escalating violence and repression faced by the Venezuelan populace. This crisis has resulted in numerous casualties, injuries, incarcerations, and violations of freedom. Official reports from the Attorney General's office indicate that over 1200 individuals have been affected, along with substantial damage to public infrastructure, imperiling the peaceful coexistence of Venezuelan citizens.
Violence should never serve as a means to resolve disputes, particularly not as a tool wielded by one faction to impose ideologies on others forcibly. Dialogue stands as the sole avenue to reconcile differences. Yet, for meaningful dialogue to transpire, honesty and collaboration, not mere superficial proclamations aimed at deceiving the public, are imperative.
The government bears the responsibility of safeguarding citizens' peace, ensuring access to justice, and upholding the right to life. The crackdown on peaceful demonstrators, individuals advocating for their democratic liberties, cannot be condoned by the global community. Therefore, we respectfully yet urgently implore Venezuelan authorities to halt the repressive actions of their security forces.
In a world where exclusion, intolerance, and human rights violations are resurfacing, the government's disregard for human rights agreements is deeply troubling, particularly considering its historical advocacy for these rights in neighboring nations. Human rights violations, irrespective of location, are a universal concern that impacts all of humanity.
Claims of non-interference in a state's internal affairs or respect for sovereignty are untenable when an entire nation's well-being and peace are at stake. It falls upon the government to cease repressive measures against peaceful protests, cease the use of harmful substances, tools, and anti-riot weaponry, and promptly implement measures to reinstate democratic norms. Urgent actions include organizing new general elections, reinstating the independence of the National Electoral Council, curbing the Supreme Court's abuse of power, and releasing political detainees to restore peace and security.
The government must foster a peaceful environment that encourages dialogue, respects and fortifies democratic institutions within the nation.
This declaration echoes the sentiments of the following distinguished Nobel Peace Laureates:
- Tawakkol Karman
- Shirin Ebadi
- Juan Manuel Santos
- Desmond Tutu
- Mairead Corrigan Maguire
- Leymah Gbowee
- Jody Williams
- Oscar Arias Sanchez
- David Trimble
- FW de Klerk