Mrs. Karman’s Speech at Connecting Healthcare "Purpose, People and Organizations" - Portugal

Mrs. Karman’s Speech at Connecting Healthcare "Purpose, People and Organizations" - Portugal

It is with great honor that I stand before you today in This conference organized by the Portuguese Ministry of Health , and to talk to you about  the crucial topics of global peace and human rights.

Tawakkol Karman speech at Palestinian Digital Activism Forum

Tawakkol Karman speech at Palestinian Digital Activism Forum

Salam Alicom, First of all let me thank the Palestinian Digital Activism Forum for organizing this conference about The impact on social media on the Mena region. 

Tawakkol Karman speech at world summit on hunger

Tawakkol Karman speech at world summit on hunger

Today, I stand before you to address an issue that lies at the core of our existence: the delicate balance between security, freedom, and food security.

Tawakkol Karman's speech Commencement Speech at the UMASS Lowell University

Tawakkol Karman's speech Commencement Speech at the UMASS Lowell University

Warm greetings to all graduates, esteemed faculty members, and distinguished guests present today at this prestigious University of UMASS Lowell commencement.

Tawakkol Karman speech at Vatican Fraternity event

Tawakkol Karman speech at Vatican Fraternity event

Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, and fellow participants,

Keynote Speech by Mrs. Karman at the National Autonomous University of Mexico

Keynote Speech by Mrs. Karman at the National Autonomous University of Mexico

I am delighted to share my perspective on humanity's future and the challenges we face today in different areas. Together, let's explore solutions and create a brighter tomorrow for all of us.

Mrs. Karman’s Speech at 2023 Arab Conference at Harvard

Mrs. Karman’s Speech at 2023 Arab Conference at Harvard

Dear friends, Peace be upon you!

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