Mrs. Karman's speech at the Nobel Festival for Asia

Mrs. Karman's speech at the Nobel Festival for Asia

Dear friends, Before Christ, or let us say before the history known to the world, Yemen was there, and Queen Bilqis of Sheba was the icon of ancient history, and the symbol of the glorious Yemeni history, as well as a symbol of the history of women and their pioneering role. I am from Yemen that introduced this great queen to the world.

Mrs. Karman’s Speech on 3rd Anniversary of Jamal Khashoggi’s Murder

Mrs. Karman’s Speech on 3rd Anniversary of Jamal Khashoggi’s Murder

Nearly three years have passed since the death of journalist and writer Jamal Khashoggi's friend. As we all know, Khashoggi's death took place in a bloody and cruel manner, embodying what we might call "state terrorism."

Speech by Mrs. Karman on Yemen at University of Chicago

Speech by Mrs. Karman on Yemen at University of Chicago

First of all, I would like to thank the University of Chicago's Pearson Institute for the Study and Resolution of Global Conflicts for inviting me to talk about Yemen. 

Mrs. Karman’s Speech at Harvard Kennedy School's Belfer Center

Mrs. Karman’s Speech at Harvard Kennedy School's Belfer Center

Dear friends and all honorable attendants, We meet today again to discuss and exchange views on issues of civil society and women’s leadership in the Arab world,

Keynote Address by Mrs. Karman on Climate at Online Conference of King's College London

Keynote Address by Mrs. Karman on Climate at Online Conference of King's College London

Dear brothers and sisters, Let us start talking about conflict, climate, civil society and ecosystem of nature and how these are related to change, and as humans living collectively on this planet what should we do in this regard: 

Speech by Mrs. Tawakkol Karman at “Fix The Food” in Oslo

Speech by Mrs. Tawakkol Karman at “Fix The Food” in Oslo

At the beginning of my speech to you, I would like to pay tribute to all noble humanitarian efforts to meet challenges of ever-growing food crises, like our today’s international peace conference on food challenges under the title “Fix The Food”.

Mrs. Karman’s Speech at Penn University

Mrs. Karman’s Speech at Penn University

Dear brothers and sisters, "Change" is the secret word as for the Arab region and the Middle East. To the extent that it summarizes the course of the Arab Spring revolutions

Mrs. Karman's Speech at University of Padua

Mrs. Karman's Speech at University of Padua

First of all, I would like to thank the University of Padua for inviting me to talk about a value that I see as fundamental and central to our lives and struggles, which is freedom. For me, it is the value we all have to have, defend with all strength and never compromise on, because losing it means losing humanity and becoming like a machine without will.

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